Charging transaction details

Please enter the last 4 digits of your payment method (credit card number, IBAN), as well as the 8-digit transaction ID. You can find the ID on your bank statement (e.g. Beleg 12345678)

If you have used Apple Pay, please note that you will need to enter the last 4 digits of the „Device Account Number“. You can find it in the card details on your phone.

On iPhone, go to "Settings" > "Wallet & Apple Pay" and tap the card you want to access. If you have used an Apple Watch, open Watch App, scroll down and tap "Wallet & Apple Pay" and tap card.

If you have used Google Pay, please note that you will need to enter the last 4 digits of the „Virtual Card Number". You can find it in the card details on your phone.

Open Google Pay app and tap on the card image to access the number.